Theater of War Productions
Founded in 2009, Theater of War Productions is social impact company that uses theater and other media to address critical public health and social justice issues. Working with theater, film and television actors, Theater of War use dramatic readings of classical Greek tragedies and contemporary works followed by guided town-hall style discussions to elicit personal reactions from audience members to issues highlighted in the plays. Its mission is to facilitate open and honest discussions about complex issues, such as psychological injury associated with armed conflict and substance use disorders, and connect diverse communities to one another to help to reduce stigma and support empathy and compassion.
Theater of War Productions
MGH Psychiatry Academy acted as Theater of War Production’s clinical advisor for several years, providing clinical advice on psychological issues ranging from PTSD for service members, veterans, and their families to trauma experienced by survivors of domestic violence.
MGH Psychiatry Academy was a collaborating partner under a grant from the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation from 2013 to 2017. The grant— THE SOLDIERS AND CITIZENS TOUR— took Sophocles’ Ajax to 25 cities where the National Guard and Reserve had a strong presence to deliver 50 free performances nationwide. In each city two performances were provided— one on a National Guard/Reserve Training site and one at a public, community site. The mission of THE SOLDIERS AND CITIZENS TOUR was to create a safe space for military communities to engage in open and honest conversation about PTSD and deployment-related stress, and help bridge the gap between military and civilian communities.

MGH Psychiatry Academy: Skills
In its role as clinical advisor, MGH Psychiatry Academy provided it expertise in the following areas:
- Development and implementation of impact assessment methodology
- Compilation and analysis of evaluation and outcomes data
- Development and public presentation of research to share data and best practices
- Analysis and translation of research data into educational strategy
- Participation in marketing campaigns to increase audience attendance and raise awareness of the issues addressed by Theater of War Productions
- Production of professional conference materials, including posters accepted at professional mental health conferences